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Thursday, June 09, 2005


So, Tell Me About You...

Once, way back in my early days of blogging I posted a list of questions I had for the people who were reading my blog. It was a way for me to learn a little about the folks who visited me. That’s been like ten months ago and I think it’s time for me to do it again only with an updated version. I know these things are stupid and take your precious time, but please take a minute and indulge me. We all like talking about ourselves, right? That’s why so many of us blog in the first place! Now on average I get close to 300 hits a day and probably 95% of those never leave any comments. I want to hear from you all, even you lurkers who never make your presence known. Here is your chance to make your mark amongst those wonderful people (except Snagley) who comment here frequently. Answer the questions in the comments, be honest, and write as much or as little as you want. If you would like, anonymous comments are welcome too! Okay, here we go… 1. Age and sex 2. State/providence/country 3. Relationship status 4. Education level 5. Favorite sport and sport team 6. Political beliefs 7. Work field 8. Major hobbies 9. Favorite food 10. Age when you lost your virginity That should do it. Feel free to add any information you would like. Thanks in advance for taking the time. I will start this off by being the first to comment.

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